About Banlung
Bunlung is the capital of the Ratankari province in the northeast of Cambodia. Banlung is 636 km from Cambodian capital Phnom Penh. The boundaries of Ratnakhiri province are Vietnam and Laos. Banlung is also the capital of Banlung district. The city's population is approximately 17,000 and the surrounding district has a population of 23,888. The city became the capital of Ratnakhiri province after the fall of Khmer Rouge in 1979. In order to facilitate trade with Vietnam, the capital was taken from Waien Sai to Banlung formerly the capital of Wayan Sai was Lamphat.
Before 1979, this city was known as Labanensee. This is a relatively lively commercial center; The ethnic minority of surrounding villages often come to the city market to sell their belongings. There are 16 villages in Banlung district which are three communal areas. For a millennium, the people of RayadanKiri have captured Highland Khome, which is a minority in Cambodia. During the initial history of this region, its Khmer leu residents were exploited as neighbors by neighboring empires.
The slave colonial economy ended during the French colonial era, but after the independence of Cambodia, a ruthless Khamrakaran campaign again threatened the ways of life of Khmer Lue. Khmer Rouge made his headquarters in the province in the 1960s and during the Vietnam War, the bombardment destroyed the area. Today, rapid development in the province is changing the traditional methods of life.