Australian Army Infantry Museum
About Australian Army Infantry Museum
The museum fills in as a mirror to the Infantry Corps. It is where youthful fighters can find out about the history behind the names they know about from secondary school or maybe about the military administration of a relative. Gallipoli, Passchendaele, Kokoda and Long Tan are altogether purchased to life alongside less recognizable crusades like the NSW Marine Light Infantry organization to Peking in 1900.The show space is separated into two principle regions. The lower floor highlights displays on the historical backdrop of operations, from the Sudan in 1885 through to our present sending in Afghanistan today and the mezzanine level highlights the 'apparatuses of the exchange', that is, the little arms and their related preparing helps, how they have changed and created and how these progressions have impacted the strategies, systems and methods of the Regiments of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps.
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